This is a little post revolving around the LAN I had attended over Friday and Saturday. It was a three day event but, due to certain family matters I could only stay for two days.
The LAN, known by the name 'Organised Chaos' spans three days, is currently hosted in an indoor stadium and the capacity is around 600 people.
As mentioned, this is a three day LAN; Most people end up staying the full three days loaded with pc and sleeping resources.
This being my first LAN of this level, I decided it would be best to stay.
My computer being upgraded earlier in the week, I was ready to take on some quality games!
The first few hours of Friday were mostly taken as time to set up (dc++, anti-virus, game setup etc) and once we covered that, it was merely a matter of hosting or joining a game.
As the programme dc++ was available to us, we also shared/leeched while playing... or some just leeched ^^;
The event took shape early on and the gaming was getting good.
At this I decided to play some Unreal Tournament 3. Thankfully, I am familiar with the interface of this game, so it was kind to me in that respect.
The opponents were unforgiving and neither was I, Unreal was a good place marker and proved that even being rusty you can still own some XD
With Saturday closing in, other games were added to the plate.
COD4, Soulstorm, Half Life... between these there, I learned to play games I've never had the opportunity to become familar with.
It's certainly harder when you barely know of the controls but, gaming is kind in that respect.
Soon, I managed to own some so that was joyful feeling ^-^
My time ended by bidding farewell to my friends, promising to return at the next LAN and hopefully proving to be an even better challenge next time.
One of the 'great get' from the LAN was the Fate/Stay Night game!
It certainly saved me the long, hard process of getting it myself ^^;
After managing to play through the prologue (which was rather long, mind you), I came to the conclusion that this game has been improved from the presentation of Tsukihime.
Animated scenes, music room, more save slots, better interface, different perspectives, added comment box for saves ...
Fate/Stay Night is by far the better quality doujin game that I have played. It really delivers on a professional level, in my belief.
Though I've just played the prologue I'm certainly enjoying this game so far, among my other batch of games XD
Finally, as a result of all this excitement... my late nights are back.
How do you react when you have LAN, anime, games, manga, firends to 'distract' you?
That end's this post'Til we next meet, ~suki