Oha!I just finished lucky Star a while back and I often find myself comparing situations in anime to real life, especially if it involves Otaku.
The scene pictured above, is from Lucky Star. I recall on Danny Choo's member news, there are often threads of people discussing experiences of Otaku facing the opinions of 'normal folks'.
Otaku is normally used as a degenerative word but, among those who are hobbyists, it's more like a title of some sort (like a name tag).
Most people refer to problems they experience just because they enjoy their hobby but, has anyone experienced other forms of prejudice?
(Being criticised for liking anime and being a certain race, religion, gender or nationality).
It's quite depressing to read that even among Otaku, there are those who are shunned for being 'DEEP' or uncommon Otaku hobbies.
Stereotypes are probably another bad habit among certain Otaku. As a female Otaku, I don't enjoy Yaoi or Shounen-ai but, if one is stereotypical, I would be a Fujoshi ^^;
There are more stereotypes and bad habits but, listing all of them would allow this post to become far too depressing.
Instead, let's think of ways to avoid stereotypes and bad habits.
How would you educate others about Otakuism and avoid stereotypes?
Till we next meet,